Danvendra Singh

About Danvendra

Danvendra completed his Bachelor of Technology in Textile Engineering from UPTTI, Kanpur, and Master of Technology in Textile Engineering from IIT Delhi. He specialises in the production, characterisation, and modelling of general fibrous assemblies. His work spans the theoretical and analytical modelling of the physical and mechanical properties of the fibrous assemblies. Denvendra’s skills include developing mathematical and numerical models on Matlab and characterising different properties of fibrous assemblies using image processing.

Project details

Harnessing Architected Nonwoven Materials to Design and Develop Lightweight Composites

The main aim of the proposed work is to develop a deep fundamental framework to engineer and predict properties of 3D nonwoven materials for next-generation lightweight composites.

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UQ Supervisor

Associate professor Michael Heitzmann

School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
IITD Supervisor

Professor Amit Rawal

Department of Textile and Fibre Engineering