Priya Chaudhary

About Priya

Priya completed a Master of Technology in Agricultural Biotechnology from IIT Kharagpur and M.Sc. in Microbiology from Kurukshetra University. She did her undergraduate honours program in Microbiology at the University of Delhi. Priya worked as a Scientific Communicator and received the prestigious CSIR-Diamond Jubilee Research Intern Award from CSIR for pursuing training in science communication. Priya has published several scientific reports, news articles in the Science Reporter Magazine, published by the CSIR.  During her Masters in Technology, she developed an interest in the abiotic stress physiology of crops which she pursued by joining the Indian Agricultural Research Institute as a Junior Research Fellow.

Project details

Understanding the mechanisms of general disease suppressiveness in organic fields

To ensure sustainability in agriculture, the project aims to first identify the key microbial and metabolic markers and soil practices responsible for disease suppressive soil in organic fields, and subsequently develop tools to transform soils from being disease conducive to disease suppressive.

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UQ Supervisor

Dr Cristina Martinez

School of Agriculture and Food Sciences
IITD Supervisor

Professor Shilpi Sharma

Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology