Prakrithi P

About Prakrithi

Prakrithi holds a Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. Her passion for Genomics drove her to work as a Project Assistant at the CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology in New-Delhi for two years. Her research involved analysing 1000 Indian Genomes of the ‘IndiGen’ project for polyAlu transposons, population genetics of chemosensory perception associated genes, genetic ancestry prediction of Indians and disease risk prediction in Indian sub-populations.

Prakrithi’s major research interest is bioinformatically exploring under-explored genomic regions to contribute to public health. She joined the UQIDAR PhD program in 2021 to venture into ncRNAs to support cancer research.

Project details

Discovering novel cell-type specific non-coding RNA and dissecting their role in cancer

Highest resolution of biological information is currently obtained using single-cell (scRNA-seq) and spatial RNA-sequencing experiments (ST-seq). We will develop computational tools using scRNA-seq and ST-seq data to discover novel non-coding RNA and delineate their putative role in oncogenesis.

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UQ Supervisor

Dr Quan Nguyen

Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
IITD Supervisor

Assistant professor Ishaan Gupta

Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology