Ankit Kumar Singh

About Ankit

Ankit holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, and a Master of Technology in Transportation (Civil) Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, BHU (Varanasi). His research experience includes roles as a junior and senior research fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology, BHU (Varanasi), and the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, respectively. He is intersected in transport-related aspects during disasters and air pollution from transport.

Project details

Transportation network modelling and simulation under disaster scenarios

Road networks, resilience to disasters such as floods, earthquakes, bushfires, etc., is key to maintaining continuity and ensuring efficient and safe movement. This project uses crowdsourced data and simulation to evaluate and compare the disaster resilience of Indian and Australian cities.

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UQ Supervisor

Dr Scott Lieske

School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
IITD Supervisor

Assistant professor Sai Chand

Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre