Sanchita Malla

About Sanchita

Sanchita completed a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Agartala. She completed coursework from IIT Delhi as a visiting student in her final year of undergraduate education. She completed two vocational training projects in ‘Surface Process and Equipment’ and ‘Combined Power Cycle Plant’ in ONGC Tripura Asset, and NEEPCO, Tripura, India respectively. She is interested in biomechanics and the application of machine learning.

Project details

Computational Biomechanical Modelling and simulation of cellular migration in heterogeneous 3D environment

Our goal is to simulate single cell migration of tumor cells in heterogeneous 3D environments. This involves the simulation of continuum-mechanical models for the cytoplasm, the nucleus, the cortex as well as microtubules through methods based on machine learning and solid-fluid structure coupling.

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UQ Supervisor

Dr Dietmar Oelz

School of Mathematics and Physics
IITD Supervisor

Associate Professor Sitikantha Roy

Department of Applied Mechanics