Combined impact of heat stress and air pollution on non-communicable disease burden of India in the global warming era

About this project

Project description

Knowledge about the combined impacts of heat stress and air pollution exposure on non-communicable disease burden in India is lacking. This project aims to address this gap by utilizing secondary health data collected in the National Family Health Survey and surveillance-based health data and primary health data collected in existing cohorts. Air pollution exposure analysis will be carried out using satellite-derived air pollutant (PM2.5, NO2 and O3) databases for India, while heat stress exposure will be carried out using the recently proposed India Heat Index. The project aims to examine both acute and long-term exposure impacts across the diverse climate zones in India.
Key outcomes are expected to be estimation of the excess risks attributable to air pollution and heat and the indigenous exposure-response functions. These exposure-response functions will further be used to estimated expected health benefits from meeting various clean air targets and different heat adaptation strategies during summer. The project will address the health risk of air pollution in a multi-pollutant environment (as most studies are available only for PM2.5) in dry and humid heat.


Indigenous evidence of the combined impact of heat stress and air pollution on non-communicable diseases across contrasting climate zones of India.Results will be useful for policymakers in formulating appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Information for applicants

Essential capabilities

The candidate is expected to have basic background in climate/atmospheric/environment/public health science with experience in data analytics and modelling. Data analytical skill (R/Python/Matlab) and good communication skill

Desireable capabilities

Experience in epidemiology and pollution research

Expected qualifications (Course/Degrees etc.)

BTech or MSc with GATE/NET/INSPIRE/ICMR/ICAR or MTech in relevant field; National-level exam waive-off as per IIT Delhi norms

Project supervisors

Principal supervisors

UQ Supervisor

Associate professor Nicholas Osborne

School of Public Health
IITD Supervisor

Professor Sagnik Dey

Centre for Atmospheric Sciences