Exploring non-equilibrium dynamics in an open quantum system with programmable arrays of single atoms

About this project

Project description

The unprecedented control of ultracold atoms at a quantum level make them an ideal testbed to study open quantum systems. It is possible to manipulate and control single-atom trapping potentials, system dimensionality, the strength of atomic interactions and even the number of atomic species. These wide-ranging control parameters allow the realisation of a variety of many-body states of matter exhibiting quantum correlations and coherences.

This experimental PhD project will explore and develop protocols for utilising many-body coherence and entanglement to study non-equilibrium dynamics in an open quantum system with single-atom arrays of ultracold atoms. Such systems could offer quantum advantages in realizing robust quantum steady states, which could work as a full-fledged resource for universal quantum computation without precise control of coherence.

The experimental protocols designed as part of this PhD will be implemented and studied in the laboratory. IITD is building an experiment that will trap arrays of many single ultra-cold Cesium atoms, each of which can be individually controlled and manipulated. Long-range interactions can be introduced into the array by exciting the atoms into Rydberg states. Interactions and the controlled application of dissipation and decoherence can be used to generate entanglement. The project will explore the role of interactions, dissipation and decoherence in the thermodynamics of atom arrays, and how these can be manipulated to obtain a quantum advantage in quantum machines.


• Protocols to utilise long-range interactions, measurement, and dissipation to realise entanglement.
• Understand how to realize quantum steady states in the in the presence of interaction and dissipation.
• Develop quantum machine protocols demonstrating a quantum advantage using arrays of single Cesium atoms.
• A better understanding of how to utilise quantum many body systems to realise a quantum advantage for use in quantum technology and sensors.

Information for applicants

Essential capabilities

Motivated physics student with a passion for research, and an interest connecting experiment and theory

Desireable capabilities

Strong background in quantum mechanics, atomic physics, optics, thermodynamics, and experimental physics. Previous research experience in ultracold atom physics is a bonus.

Expected qualifications (Course/Degrees etc.)

Honours or Masters degree in physics

Additional information for applicants

note: i-students must have own scholarship to apply (CSIR, UCG-NET, etc)

Project supervisors

Principal supervisors

UQ Supervisor

Professor Matthew Davis

School of Mathematics and Physics
IITD Supervisor

Assistant professor Bodhaditya Santra

Department of Physics